Learn NepaliCommon Phrases in Nepali Add Missing Common Phrases

Common Phrases in Nepali with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

Not recently in Nepali

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Nothing else in Nepali

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Of course in Nepali

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Okay in Nepali

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Please fill out this form in Nepali

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Please take me to this address in Nepali

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Please write it down in Nepali

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Really? in Nepali

वास्तवमा नै
1 0 0
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Right here in Nepali

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Right there in Nepali

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See you tonight in Nepali

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She's pretty in Nepali

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Sorry to bother you in Nepali

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Stop! in Nepali

2 0 0
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Take a chance in Nepali

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Take it outside in Nepali

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Tell me in Nepali

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Thank you miss in Nepali

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Thank you sir in Nepali

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Thanks for everything in Nepali

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220 Common Phrases found in English to Nepali

Displaying 81-100