Learn EstonianLove Phrases in Estonian Add Missing Love Phrases

Love Phrases in Estonian with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

You are the other half that makes me feel whole in Estonian

Olete teine ​​pool, mis paneb mind end tundma kogu
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You are the sweetest man i know in Estonian

Sa oled ma tean sweetest mees
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You are very beautiful in Estonian

Sa oled väga ilus
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You are very cute in Estonian

Sa oled väga armas
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You are very pretty in Estonian

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You are very unique in Estonian

Olete väga ainulaadne
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You belong to me in Estonian

Sa kuulud mulle
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You bring nothing but love, Peace, joy, and happiness to my soul in Estonian

Sa tuua midagi, kuid armastus, rahu, rõõmu ja õnne mu hing
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You bring so much joy and happiness to my life in Estonian

Sa tuua nii palju rõõmu ja õnne, et mu elu
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You can't deny what's between us in Estonian

Sa ei saa eitada, mis on meie vahel
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You deserve the best in Estonian

Sa väärid parimat
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You drive me crazy in Estonian

Sõidad mind hulluks
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You have a very beautiful in Estonian

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You have beautiful eyes in Estonian

Sul on ilusad silmad
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You have the prettiest eyes in the world in Estonian

Sul on ilusaim silmad maailmas
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You have won my heart in Estonian

Sa võitsid mu südame
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You hurt me so much in Estonian

Sa tegid mulle nii haiget
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You look good in that dress in Estonian

Sa näed hea välja selles kleidis
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You love me gently in Estonian

Sa armastad mind õrnalt
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You make me burn with desire in Estonian

Sa teed mulle põletada koos soov
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388 Love Phrases found in English to Estonian

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