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Love Phrases in Italian with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

I want to meet you in Italian

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I want to see you in Italian

Voglio vedere voi
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I want to see your face every day in Italian

Voglio vedere il tuo viso ogni giorno
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I want to spend forever with you in Italian

Io voglio passare per sempre con te
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I want to take this slow in Italian

Voglio prendere questa lenta
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I want to talk to you in Italian

Voglio parlare con te
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I want you to be happy in Italian

Voglio che tu sia felice
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I want you to come back! in Italian

voglio che tu torni!
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I want you to meet my parents in Italian

Voglio farti conoscere i miei genitori
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I want you to trust me in Italian

Voglio che tu ti fidi di me
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I will always be on your side in Italian

Sarò sempre al tuo fianco
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I will be faithful to you in Italian

Sarò fedele a te
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I will give anything to be with you in Italian

Darò tutto per stare con te
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I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me in Italian

Verrò con voi fino ai confini del mondo fino a quando si mantiene amarmi
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I will never cheat on you in Italian

Non potrò mai barare su di voi
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I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars in Italian

Sarò piuttosto essere sono rotto di quanto commerciare il vostro amore per un milione di dollari
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I will travel a thousand miles to be with you in Italian

Io viaggio di mille miglia di essere con voi
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I wish i had never met you in Italian

Vorrei che non avevo mai incontrato te
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I wish you were never a part of my life in Italian

Vorrei che tu fossi mai una parte della mia vita
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I won’t forget you in Italian

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388 Love Phrases found in English to Italian

Displaying 121-140