Learn Gujarati Shopping Phrases in Gujarati Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, Please in Gujarati

How to Say Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, Please in Gujarati with how to pronounce and transliteration in English?

Category: Shopping Phrases 

English: Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, Please

English Pronounciation: 

Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, Please: In All Languages

User Answers for Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, Please in Gujarati:

તમે મને કહી શકો છો જ્યાં હું કેટલાક ચીઝ ખરીદી કરી શકો છો,

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તમે મને કહી શકો છો જ્યાં હું કેટલાક ચીઝ ખરીદી કરી શકો છો

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Tamē manē kahī śakō chō jyāṁ huṁ kēṭalāka cījha kharīdī karī śakō chō

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