Learn FrenchTravel Phrases in French Add Missing Travel Phrases

Travel Phrases in French with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

Is that your suitcase? in French

C’est votre valise ?
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Please call a taxi in French

Veuillez m’appeler un taxi, s’il vous plaît
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Please give me a receipt in French

Donnez moi un reçu, s’il vous plaît
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Please go straight ahead in French

Tout droit, s’il vous plaît
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Please stop here in French

Arrêtez vous ici, s’il vous plaît
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Please turn right here in French

A droite, s’il vous plaît
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Please wait a moment in French

Attendez un moment, s’il vous plaît
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The next train is in 5 minutes in French

Le prochain métro arrive dans cinq minutes
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Twenty kilos in French

Vingt kilos
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What does it cost to go to the station? in French

Combien est ce que ça coûte jusqu’à la gare ?
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When do we land? in French

Quand est ce que nous atterrissons ?
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When does the train arrive in Vienna? in French

Quand est-ce que le train arrive à Vienne ?
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When does the train for Warsaw leave? in French

A quelle heure part le train pour Varsovie ?
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When is the last train? in French

Quand part le dernier métro ?
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When is the next flight to Rome? in French

Quand part le prochain avion pour Rome?
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When is the next train to London? in French

Quand part le prochain train pour Londres ?
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When will we be there? in French

Quand serons nous là bas ?
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Where do I have to change? in French

Où dois je changer ?
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Where is the bus stop? in French

Où est l’arrêt du bus ?
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Which bus do I have to take? in French

Quelle ligne dois je prendre ?
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47 Travel Phrases found in English to French

Displaying 21-40